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Generative AI in your Marketing Strategy: 5 Benefits + 5 Limitations

Utilizing generative AI in your marketing strategy involves leveraging AI-powered tools to create and optimize content, enhancing customer engagement, personalizing messaging, and driving better results in your marketing campaigns.

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November 6, 2023

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What's Inside?


The marketing industry went through a huge shift this past year. The sole reason was the soaring rise of generative AI – a true game-changer for marketers, entrepreneurs, and beyond.

But before you start picturing robots taking over your marketing desk, let’s get one thing straight: AI isn’t here to replace you. It’s a resource you can use to supercharge your strategies.

So, are you curious about how AI might shake up your next campaign? Dive in with us as we unpack the power of AI in crafting potent marketing strategies and, of course, where it might need a little human touch.

1. Streamlining Customer Support

We’ve all been there – browsing a product page, bubbling with questions, and wishing for instant answers. That’s where generative AI can swoop in as a life-saver.

Imagine this: you’re on some brand’s product page, your cursor hovers over the Q&A section, and before you can even hit “submit” on your question, AI provides you an answer, almost reading your mind.

The Benefits

This tactic is great not only when it comes to speed. It’s a ground-breaking tool for enhancing the user experience. Customers value immediacy. They’re likely to stay engaged, trust the brand more, and even convert when they see that a brand is proactive in addressing their concerns.


Transparent Labs, a natural sports nutrition supplements brand, integrates this AI mechanism to offer real-time answers, making their Mass Gainer product page not just a platform to buy but a hub of information. It’s about ensuring customers don’t just purchase a product but buy into an experience.

marketing strategy

The Limitations

As stellar as AI sounds, it has its constraints. It can’t replace the emotional intelligence, empathy, or nuanced understanding that a human brings to the table. So, while AI can tackle the straightforward “How many grams of protein per serving?” it might stumble on more personal queries like “I have specific health concerns; is this right for me?”.

2. Quick Content Creation

Picture this: you’re on a brand’s product page that goes into quick details about that product’s features. But you still have questions, so you scroll down to check out the FAQ section for more info.

There, you discover an extensive list of highly specific questions with detailed answers. Truly, kudos to the brand for making the effort. That’s how you demonstrate that you care for your audience’s pain points.

But how do you do this without spending ages crafting bite-sized, educational content? AI can step in and help you with great ease.

The Benefits

When customers see that a brand is continuously evolving to address their questions, they feel heard. And a heard customer is a happy customer. They’re more likely to stay, engage, and even hit that “buy” button much faster.


GetSafe – a brand selling medical alert systems, has a page explaining how their products work that features a FAQ section. Using generative AI here can help expedite the process of content creation. AI that’s familiarized with the product can help with brainstorming a huge amount of questions and answers and provide the content instantaneously.

content creation

Similarly, Golf Cart Tire Supply can evolve their content dynamically, always staying a step ahead of the user’s needs. The content on their Golf Cart Accessories page can always expand and adapt to current trends and demand.


The Limitations

While AI is nifty, it’s not flawless. It might whip up answers at breakneck speed, but it might miss the nuances. That personal touch, the understanding of context, is sometimes missing. So, while AI can tell you the specs of a golf cart accessory, it might not capture the cultural aspect of why it’s perfect for your Sunday golf game.

3. Crafting Captivating Blog Imagery

Scrolling through a blog post, is it the content that catches your eye first? Maybe. But it’s often the imagery that reels you in. Visuals set the tone, and brands know this well. Just think about a post with a striking featured image. Could generative AI have a hand in creating such visuals? You bet it can.

The Benefits

AI isn’t just about crunching words. It’s also about crafting art. With generative AI, brands can quickly design imagery tailored to the post’s theme. That means every article can have its unique visual flavor, enhancing the reader’s engagement and retention.


Securitize, an investing platform, could easily harness AI to automatically generate fitting images for their posts, ensuring that each topic, whether it’s private market or blockchain tech, gets its distinct visual identity. The aesthetics of their “What is Private Credit?” post certainly help in creating a memorable experience.

The Limitations

Let’s not get carried away here. As cool as AI-generated visuals are, they lack the human touch that a graphic designer or photographer brings. AI might be able to pull elements together based on data, but capturing the emotion and the story behind an article is still a human’s domain.

So, while AI can pop out images left and right, it might not always hit the emotional chord we’re aiming for.

4. Summarizing with Precision

You’ve probably watched an insightful expert interview about a product or a service you’re interested in. But if the video was too long, you probably wished for a concise summary packed with golden nuggets of information.

Brands know customers want this and often provide highlights so that they don’t have to watch the entire thing. Generative AI is highly specialized in this domain.

The Benefits

Time is of the essence, and having AI transcribe and then smartly summarize long videos is like having your very own digital note-taker, ensuring you don’t miss out on any vital info.


Digestive Warrior, a brand selling supplements for digestive health, adds a quick summary to their expert interview featured on their CellCore category page. Incorporating AI to automatically transcribe their expert interviews and then cherry-pick the crucial points for a snappy summary can do the job in the blink of an eye.


The Limitations

AI’s got the transcribing, but summarizing with the right emotion, nuance, and context can be tricky. While AI can give you the gist, it might miss out on the human element, the subtle tones, or the underlying emotions of a conversation. It’s awesome for a quick read, but for a deep, emotional connection, the human touch still wins.

5. Curating Targeted Category Pages

Walking into a store, don’t you ever wish everything was laid out just for you? That’s the magic brands can achieve online. With generative AI, imagine a page adapting in real-time to showcase products based on what you’re likely to love.

The Benefits

Using AI to analyze user behavior and preferences means a tailor-made shopping experience every single time. That level of personal touch can keep customers coming back.


Mannequin Mall can integrate AI to craft dynamic category pages. Say you’ve shown interest in vintage dress forms in the past. The next time you visit, the AI nudges those styles to the forefront. It’s about making the customer feel seen and valued, ensuring every visit feels unique.

ai craft

The Limitations

AI can predict preferences based on data, but it doesn’t truly “know” you. Maybe you wanted vintage last month, but you’re onto minimalistic designs now. AI can miss such spontaneous shifts in taste.

For those intuitive recommendations that capture current desires, we still need that human intuition.

Final Thoughts

Time to wrap things up. Generative AI is undeniably transforming the way we approach marketing, bringing along a suitcase full of benefits.

From crafting quick answers to curating personalized shopping experiences, AI’s capabilities are endless. But it’s essential to remember – AI is a tool, not a human replacement. The magic truly happens when we blend AI’s speed and efficiency with the warmth, intuition, and creativity of a human touch.

So, embrace the tech, but never let go of the heart.

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