Deck Creation and Presentations in the Academic Community
Decktopus Use Case Series was happy to welcome its next guest Elif Arıkan Izcan. Elif is from Izmir, Turkey is currently working on a Masters in Logistics and is a new user of Decktopus. She shares that her program instructors and professors were constantly asking for their students to present their projects through experimenting with novel presentation platforms. After having her troubles with a wide variety of presentation tools Elif was happy to come across Decktopus, building up from her classmate’s suggestion.
She says the process has become significantly easier ever since and wishes she had access to this tool in high school and college. The challenge with tools like Powerpoint is having to write out too much detail and then overburdening the presentation with text-heavy slides. This concept confuses the audience and gets in the way of the presentation ideas being delivered holistically. Decktopus helped Elif condense her decks, insert visuals seamlessly and build cohesive decks that delivered to her needs.
An Intuitive and User-Friendly Platform“I don’t need to save my presentation constantly; which is something I always forget,” Elif says. When someone loses Internet connection or their computer dies, everyone is extremely afraid of losing their progress on the deck. The process and the result are much more cohesive, and seamless when compared to other tools.
Take image insertions for instance; in other tools, you have to search on different search engines, find the associated image, download it, and then place it in your deck having to meddle in positioning and orientation. With Decktopus, you get immediate access to Unsplash and Pixabay, among other content libraries for instant access, as well as immediate positioning of your image of Gif in your slide.
While Elif was wondering if there were any options to make the letter count feature more flexible in our product roadmap, she was satisfied with the feature as it helped her keep things to the point while producing slides that weren’t too text-heavy. In the platform, she has created a CV building up from our professional CV template and has also worked with a strategic management project building upon service proposals.
Elif has enjoyed Decktopus’ user-friendly interface that allows for balanced text portions allowing the general message of the presentation to be more clear and concise to the audience. She says she is not “big on technology”, but has found the platform extremely easy to use without any advanced design or technical skills to operate. The intuitive interface has allowed her to create great-looking decks whose designs do not take away from or overshadow the content.
Decks & Presentations in the Academic Community

Since you will undoubtedly be approached to present a deck in one of your classes and your future vocation may likewise include public talking, foster abilities for this type of correspondence.
Public speaking resembles taking an interest in class since it frequently includes sharing your considerations, thoughts, and inquiries with others in the gathering, however, in alternate ways public talking is different. Remaining before the class to talk changes the brain science of the circumstance for some understudies. Even though there is time outside of class to get ready for and practice the slide show, numerous understudies experience incredible tension when they need to talk before others.
Planning and conveying a presentation deck is the interaction the same as the learning cycle. The cycle separates into these six fundamental advances:
- Break down your crowd and objectives
- Plan, research, and arrange your substance
- Draft and overhaul the deck
- Plan talking notes
- Practice the deck
- Convey the presentation
Stage 1: Examine Your Crowd and Objectives
Who will see and hear your presentation deck and why? Consider what your crowd prepared knows, and doesn't have the foggiest idea, about your theme. If your point identifies with a topic in class talks and readings, think about what foundation data they as of now have. You may start your slide show by clarifying how your particular theme fits with subjects examined in class, however, make certain to zero in on your deck on groundbreaking thoughts you have found.
Be certain you are clear about the objectives for the presentation. Is it true that you are introducing new data or contending for a position? Is it true that you are giving an outline or a point-by-point report? Audit the task and talk with the educator in case you're uncertain. Your objectives guide everything in the slide show: what you say, the amount you say, what request you say it in, what visual guides you use, regardless of whether you use humor or individual models, etc.
Stage 2: Plan, Exploration, and Arrange Your Substance
Understudy pulling book off library shelfStarting with the task and your objectives, conceptualize your theme. Scribble notes on explicit subjects that appear to be significant. Regularly you'll do perusing or examination to assemble more data. Accept notes as you would with any perusing.
Arranging a slide show is like getting sorted out points in a class paper and uses similar standards. Present your theme and express your primary thought (theory), and afterward expound on explicit thoughts before you finish up your slide show. Search for a legitimate request for the particulars in the center. A few points work best in sequential, or time, request, or with a thoroughly analyzed association. If you will probably convince the crowd, move toward the most grounded reason. Set up comparable thoughts and add changes between various thoughts.
While investigating your subject and illustrating your primary concerns, consider visual guides that may help the presentation. Additionally, begin considering how long you have for the deck.
Stage 3: Draft and Change the Deck
The amount you compose relies upon your learning and talking style. A few understudies talk well from brief expressions written in a blueprint while different understudies think that it's simpler to work sentences out totally. There's nothing amiss with working the show out completely like content, however, you'll need to keep your eyes on the crowd and not read straightforwardly from the content.
You can't know without a doubt how long a slide will go on until you practice it, however, you can assess the time while drafting it. All things considered, it takes a few minutes to talk about what can be composed on a standard twofold separated page, yet with visual guides, stops, and crowd communication, it might take longer.
Visual Guides in Introductions
Except for extremely short casual introductions, visual guides are generally expected and add extraordinary interest. Whenever urged or permitted to remember visuals for your slides, plan to do as such, and think about every conceivable sort:
- Outlines or diagrams
- Guides
- Photographs of different pictures
- Video cuts
- Presents
Plan to utilize the accessible innovation, regardless of whether it's a report camera, PowerPoint slides, Prezi, a flip diagram, or banners. Then, at that point, plan your visuals cautiously by adhering to some essential principles:
Utilize a basic, unbiased foundation. A light-shaded foundation with text in a dim shading turns out best for words; a dull foundation utilized like matting turns out best for photographs. Limit the measure of text in visuals. More than eight words for each slide is typically excessive. Ensure text is enormous enough for the crowd to peruse. Use pictures just when they support your slides; don't utilize cut craftsmanship similarly to beautification. Stay away from audio effects. Utilize a short account in particular on the off chance that it straightforwardly identifies with your primary concerns. Use liveliness sparingly and just on the off chance that it's anything but a point. Embellishments like disintegrates, turns, box-outs, or different changes, can be diverting. Be mindful so as not to utilize so numerous visuals or travel through them so rapidly that the crowd focuses on them as opposed to you. Practice your slides utilizing your visual guides since they influence your planning. Clarify visuals when required however not when they're self-evident. Look momentarily at visuals to remain to synchronize with them so you can keep your eyes on your crowd.
Stage 4: Plan Speaking Notes
NotecardsSpeaking notes are a concise framework for your slides. Regardless of whether you think of them on file cards or pieces of paper, make certain to incorporate significant realities and information just as catchphrases for your primary thoughts, yet don't compose an excessive amount too early. If you fail to remember things some other time when you begin rehearsing, you can generally add more to your diagram. Make certain to number your cards or pages to forestall a last-minute misunderstanding.
Contemplate how to open and close your slides on the grounds that these two minutes have the most effective of the entire presentation. Utilize the opening to catch the crowd's consideration.
Here are a few opportunities for your opening:
* A striking truth or model (showing an issue or an issue)
* A concise fascinating or hilarious story (verifiable, individual, or recent development)
* An inquiry to the crowd
* A fascinating citation
Then, at that point relate the opening to your theme and your primary concern and move into the body of the slide show.
The end reflects the opening. Progress from your last highlight a short synopsis that arranges your thoughts and afterward leaves them with a consummation that has some effect. Solid approaches to end incorporate a test to the crowd, a solid assertion about the point, an individual reflection on the thing you've been saying, or a desire to activity.
Stage 5: Practice the Deck
Practice might be the main advance. It is likewise the most ideal approach to acquire certainty.
The first run-through centers around placing your laid-out notes into full sentences in your regular talking voice. Look down at your notes just momentarily and afterward gaze upward promptly around the space to try not to recite our notes so anyone can hear. Practice a few times just to track down the right words to disclose your focuses and to feel more open to working with your notes. Time yourself to check whether you are meeting the time prerequisites for the task. When you believe you are talking admirably from your notes, work on cleaning your conveyance. You should record or tape your presentation or ask a companion or flatmate to watch it and give you valuable input on your show abilities.
As you practice, focus on these parts of how you talk:
- Attempt to talk in your normal voice. In the event that you will be introduced in an enormous room without a mouthpiece, you should talk stronger than expected, yet at the same time attempt to utilize a characteristic voice.
- In regular discussion, we accelerate and moderate down just to differ the force of our words to show how we feel about the thing we're saying. Practice changes in your conveyance style to underline key focuses.
- Try not to continue to take a gander at your notes. It's fine on the off chance that you use words that are not quite the same as those you recorded as long as the thoughts continue as before.
Be certain you can articulate every new word and specialized term accurately. Work on saying them gradually and unmistakably to yourself until you can say them normally.
Focus on non-verbal communication while rehearsing. Stand upright and tall in each training meeting so you become accustomed to it. Except if you need to remain at a platform to utilize a fixed amplifier, by and by moving around while you talk; these aides keep the crowd watching you. Use hand and arm signals in the event that they are normal for you. Generally significant, keep your eyes moving over the crowd. Work on grinning and stopping at key focuses.
Stage 6: Convey the Deck
Make certain to get sufficient rest and have a solid breakfast. Wear the proper dress and agreeable shoes. In case you're as yet anxious before your turn, take a couple of full breaths, and practice your initial lines. Grin as you move to the front of the room, taking a gander at your crowd. Recollect that they are your ally. In the end, convey your last line with certainty. On the off chance that proper, ask if there are any inquiries.
Prior to planning notes, meet again to go over the substance and plan for visuals. Everybody ought to be OK with the arrangement. Settle on ultimate choices about who will do each segment of the deck and set the ideal opportunity for each fragment. Each speaker ought to set up their notes.
The entire gathering ought to be available for training meetings, regardless of whether a couple is talking. Those not talking should take notes and give criticism. On the off chance that one understudy is doing the majority of the introduction, a substitute ought to be picked if the best option is wiped out on the booked day.
During the conveyance, particularly if utilizing innovation for visual guides, one understudy ought to deal with the visuals while others do the introduction. In the event that few understudies present various sections, plan the change starting with one then onto the next so the deck continues to stream.
For an easier time with creating presentations, discover Decktopus now!