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What Makes for a Good Marketing Strategy in 2023?

Time flies by fast. At one moment, you were preparing a marketing strategy for your business for the upcoming year. And now, it's already several months into 2022.

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May 10, 2024

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Decktopus Content Team
Table of Contents

What's Inside?

If we have learned anything useful from the last few unpredictable years, it’s that having a strong online marketing strategy is vital to keeping a business successful. That is the case for both big brands and small businesses, and in this article, we will take a look at effective strategies to market your business, including more information on Twitter followers to enhance your social media reach.

Be Direct — Your Audience's Time Is Valuable

Perhaps the most crucial marketing strategy in 2022 is to value your customer's time. When potential customers or even leads are looking for specific services or products, they probably don't want to spend much time searching for them.

The same goes for blogs and blog content. If you manage to get a customer to visit your website only to drag them through a 5-page story, you will probably lose their interest quickly.

One could argue that short videos are great for communicating your point directly to the audience, but watching videos is not always a viable option for most users. On the other hand, presentations are a quick, inexpensive, and efficient method to introduce your business to new audiences and showcase current features or services to prospective customers.

Decktopus is one of the best tools for creating and managing your presentations and documentation. It will be helpful for everyone looking to improve their online presence, from individual marketers to bigger businesses.

Leverage Social Media Marketing to Your Advantage

Because of Apple's privacy policy changes, running advertisements on Facebook and Instagram has become more challenging. Moreover, it will become more complicated with how Google is changing its ways of managing 3rd-party data. That said, there are still ways to run successful marketing campaigns on social media platforms in 2022.

Facebook Lead Ads

Up until recently, if you wanted to build up your email list or get customers to sign up for a free consultation, you would run a conversion ad that redirects potential leads to your website, where they could submit all the necessary forms. Now, however, Facebook cannot see those conversions and, as a result, is unable to optimize your ads properly if the interaction doesn't happen on their platform.

With Facebook lead ads, you can circumvent that. A lead ad looks like a typical conversion ad, but it doesn't take the customer to another website directly. Instead, once a customer clicks on it, a form opens up on Facebook, pre-filled with custom fields for information you want to collect from your prospects. Since the interactions occur on Facebook, you can optimize your ad's performance.

Get Started with Link Tracking

To increase your conversion rates, you need to start tracking them. With a Lynx suite, you can follow the traffic to and out of your platform, enabling you to improve your conversion rates. Begin with an affiliate platform that handles all aspects of your marketing business. The best part is that it doesn't end with links. You can also track inbound calls, which benefits brands of all sizes.

Improve Your Influencer Marketing

In 2022, influencer marketing is more than simply alive — it is thriving. According to recent surveys, up to 72.5% of US marketers working for organizations with 100 or more workers would utilize influencer marketing in 2022.

Although we didn't see too many changes in influencer marketing campaigns, there has been a noticeable uptick in short-form video content making TikTok and Instagram the biggest two platforms for that kind of content.

Since Instagram has moved away from being a picture-based platform, videos are no longer merely a trend but a baseline for businesses that want to compete online. Compared to other types of online content, posting video-based content is undoubtedly one of the easiest ways to make people notice your business, engage with your brand, and, ultimately, buy your products or services.

Optimize Content Creation

Content marketing has been one of the strongest and most successful marketing strategies in recent years and will remain a good strategy to focus on in 2022. However, putting all the buzzwords like SEO, social media, and blog posts to use certainly makes improving your content feel more daunting. In spite of that, there are a few simple ways in which you can enhance your content:

  • Determine your ideal audience: Before you start pumping out blog posts, you should first determine the type of audience you’ll be writing them for. Without taking this into consideration, you run the risk of wasting time by creating content for the wrong audience on the wrong platforms.
  • Craft a robust content plan: A well-determined content plan assists you in defining and prioritizing your marketing goals. It enables you to organize your work and guarantees that all marketing efforts are directed toward a specific objective. In addition, with a well-crafted content strategy, you can ensure that every effort made by your team yields tangible benefits. You will also be able to track your progress when implementing a content plan.
  • Diversify your content: Since content should reflect the values of your business, it is vital to keep it diverse. Surely, embracing different types of content is never easy, but the more channels and options you use, the more unique opportunities can be identified.
  • Improve old content: No matter how engaging your existing content is, it can become stale over time. Fortunately, tools like Google Analytics allow you to see what pages are worth updating by giving you valuable information on key metrics. Start with any broken links and edit them, and finish by finding new SEO keywords to optimize landing pages.

In the end, optimized content ensures that more leads will convert and not sit idly on your website.

Customer Reviews

One of the easiest ways to build trust with customers while increasing brand authority and reputation is by getting the most out of online reviews. To start, you can follow these simple steps:

  • Create review prompts for customers: While some customers may be willing to express their thoughts without prompting, others may not want to share their experiences.
  • Pick the best reviews: You may feature testimonials prominently on your website or in several social media updates to let the world know what everyone thinks about your brand or business. Ideally, you would want to highlight only the best reviews that, in your opinion, show the beneficial aspects of your brand.
  • Respond to existing reviews: Having dedicated testimonials and a review section will add authority and credibility, but reviews can be a give-and-take opportunity for you. Customers will often ask questions, express their concerns, or even critique certain things about your business. Therefore, answering them can be an excellent opportunity to show that you take your customers seriously.

Expanding the review and testimonial section on your platform isn't a new strategy, but in 2022 it will be more viable as the small business and startup world expands. It has always been important for a small business to show what separates them from the competition, and using high-quality testimonials from your customers is a good strategy that you can employ.

Work Out What Is Best for Your Brand

Ultimately, how you want to run a marketing campaign for your business is entirely up to you. Figuring out what kind of content works best for your brand can take some time, and not everything will work right off the bat. However, with enough experience, you will learn to embrace new marketing strategies to your advantage.

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