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Marketing Plan Template
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Marketing Plan Template

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Marketing Plan Template

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Marketing Plan Template

What does your marketing plan for the next quarter look like. Start working on your marketing strategy and execution timeline, outline the marketing opportunities and business model. Outline your target channels and social media outlets such as Instagram, LinkedIn, email marketing tools and Twitter. Talk about your target audience and competitors to look for some inspiration in the plan. Discover marketing best practices in your industry and what your customer persona expects.

A marketing plan is a part of the big business plan and includes a well-written outline of the goals that are to be achieved. It contains an action list and strategic foundations for the following domains: social, SEO, advertising and content strategy. Make sure you are covering all these domains and the online solutions, partners and stakeholders in the process. 

A solid marketing plan should include: 

  • Marketing Plan Cover Page
  • Business Opportunity 
  • Business Model 
  • Target Channels
  • Competitors
  • Marketing Plan
  • Marketing Domains
  • Marketing Team
  • Questions & Collaboration

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